What's that? You say you are impressed with the cleanliness of my floors? Every floor, I know! The carpets, the hard wood, the tile, it's all so clean. Well, thank you, would you like to know my secret? Sometimes the only thing that will get Josephine to shut up already is to get out the vacuum, swiffer, or carpet cleaner and have at it. So even though this hardly used room could easily go a few days with out a vacuum, every last little speck of fuzz is sucked up while the baby chases me around and charges the hoover in her own freaky game of chicken.
I read a lot of blogs. Every once in a while I read an entry that bothers me or is annoying and I feel compelled to respond to it here, as if all of you who read this have been reading the same websites. But that's not a good idea, really. So if I can't find something else to write about, if that entry is stuck in my head, I have to step back from the computer a few days. That's where I've been. Hiding. And yet, I still can't help but make a comment anyway. (what is wrong with me) I've read in a few places about people who made sure their kids didn't watch the presidential inauguration at school. When these kids grow up their memory of this historic day, this day that the first black president was inaugurated, was that they had to sit in a separate room from their classmates because their parents didn't vote for him. Boo! Yeah I said it, Boo! It just irked me a bit. I think January 20, 2009 should be a day that you always remember where you were, regardless of whether or not you considered it a good or bad day. (It was a good day for me!) If you felt 1/20/2009 wasn't any more special a day than any other, oh well. Oh well oh well oh well, but keeping your kids from it? ah, why can't I shut up about this already? Why can't everyone think the way I tell them to think?
Friday I went to tour a LDS Temple. If you know anything about the Mormon religion then you know how important the temples are to the LDS church. Not just anyone can go in once it's been dedicated. But! after one is built the church opens it up to the public for a short time, which is what is going on now about an hour south of us. If you know me well enough you know that I am always up for learning more about your religion so I was pretty pumped to be able to do this. I could go on and on about the things I disagree with in the Mormon religion, but there are many things that are wonderful as well and I don't want to turn this post into an argument for or against any faith. I will say this though, the temple smelled slightly like a hospital, and maybe it was just me, but a little like formaldehyde. It was at the same time, plainer and fancier than I expected. ( I know, What?!) Just trust me.
Tonight I'm going to watch Ed Asner in a reenactment of the Scopes Monkey trial. I guess I'll have to fill you in on that later though.
Back in November I applied to a local college. December, after I had allowed plenty of time for my trascripts to be mailed I tried contacting the admission office to ask what the hold up could be. After a million (seriously one million) attempts to contact them I finally found out that they needed one more piece of paper that they were waiting for even though they never asked me to send it! Fast forward to last week, I am finally officially admitted even though the semester started three weeks ago. I find one professor who is willing to let me join her class late, I get up at the ass crack of dawn to meet with her, succeed at buying my text book after 2 tries, and get to reading. It's an online class and when I tried to log on Sunday to start my massive catch-up of assignments I was greeted with a message saying it's all down for maitenence for 5 days! So there, when I'm not vacuuming, I'm reading.
I leave you with a parenting dilema like no other:
The baby is asleep, finally, on your lap. She is a little sick and currently a light sleeper so any atempt to move her would certainly wake her up. You know she has poop in her diaper, and enough pee that it's leaking on your leg.
I normally wouldn't let her sleep in poopy pants but this is the first moment she hasn't yelled at me in what feels like years...ok it's been just this morning (and last night) that she's been cranky.
The decision may be made for me because I have to pee.
I've let my kid sleep in his own poop, just so all of us can get a moment's rest. I figure as long as there is no rash it is okay. It's not like I did it all the time, maybe once or twice.
My mom told me when Jake was first born (or maybe when I was pregnant) that I should get him used to the vacuum because when he is really little the sound will soothe him and when he is bigger we can play the same vacuum games that she played with me when I was little (don't ask, tho it sounds like you've already figured it out!)
I'm calling my mom today and telling her that I should have listened to her
You will have to post a video of Josephine vs. the vacuum. That is hilarious! Maybe she could come and visit my place, I won't even tell you the last time I cleaned the floor!
I agree about the video of josephine vs. the vacuum! That really would be priceless.
Putting a child in a separate room in order to avoid the inauguration? Seriously? That is excessive. I do wonder if teachers would have turned it on if the president had not been black, however. Black or not, it is a historic day! I didn't watch it, mostly because I didn't have the time, even though I wasn't terribly interested. That's where youtube comes in :) Great to catch up. and I did. Hopefully those kids have internet in their rooms and caught up too. :)
Poop...we've all done it. You start picking your battles early I guess. No need to feel bad since she needed rest.
Oh, and if it is every my posts that upset you, comment away. Seriously, you may feel better and I don't mind discussing opposing views. It's how we learn right? You're opposing views have been a huge blessing to me. You have encouraged me to learn and not be stuck in blind faith. I think talking about opposing views is important, so feel free, as far as I am concerned.
kudos on the inauguration comment. i'm glad you didn't keep your mouth shut about that one.
since everyone else commented on the poop thing, i guess i will too. even though i have no child to base any fact or advice on, i sometimes let the rabbits sit in their poopy cage for 3-4 days beyond normal changing time. does that help?
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