
Marvelous Girl

Here's a little update on Josephine: She's become a cross between the Hulk and Wolverine...

Lately she's been getting upset when someone has the nerve to walk into the kitchen in the middle of playing with her. I guess she's afraid that we've gotten bored with her? Or we're going to make her eat something? She hates eating, by the way, it's such a waste of time. Anyway, here's an example of the Hulk: she had found an old comb somewhere, (grandma never throws anything away) the kind of comb you get on picture day in elementary school. A little red comb, she was playing with it all day and then her playmate Martha got up to put a glass in the sink. Hulk Mad! She made one annoying "uggghhh" and the comb was in 4 pieces. This scene has since played out with popsicle sticks in place of the comb as well... yikes!

So, she doesn't like to stop what she is doing to eat, but she'll happily pop a few grapes or strawberries in her mouth while we have a tea party. (yeah yeah, choke-ables...) So, she has never choked or even gagged on anything as far as I know in her 1.5 years but she is determined to change that I guess. Scene: she is sitting on the counter while I hull strawberries and give her the occasional slice to eat. She sees me dipping my berries in sugar and she mimics me nicely. She puts a strawberry in the sugar and takes a bite, repeat. Oh what a big girl. Then she picks up the biggest strawberry in the package, dips it, and puts the whole thing in her mouth. When I reach towards her face to yank it out (she can't even close her lips) she turns into Wolverine. Claws slash at my hands and face at lightening speed and by the time I realize what has happened she has chewed the berry and swallowed most of it with only a tiny bit of juice on her chin. This has happened similarly with putting more than one grape in her mouth or suddenly putting the last five pieces of cheese in her cheeks. She cannot be trusted.


Lora said...

the choking makes me nervous, but it seems like she has it under control.

that's how my son eats. and he's 3. if you figure out a way how to end it, let me know

Jill said...

Aww. Glad you are back! How was your trip?

lolly said...

i've had to feed her one bite at a time since i can't trust her with a plate! trip update soon- it was good