might attract bears, the whole head exploding thing
If you don't hear from me ever again, it's because I'll be in a car for several hours with my family, and my head might explode.
Driving with my father who thinks the earth might actually stop spinning if we stop the car for anything but gas.
Driving with my mother who is constantly uncomfortable with the air temperature and will ask for it to be cooler, cooler, cooler, I can't breath it's so stuffy, agggghh it's so cold in here, open a window, shut up and grab a blanket, why is the a/c blasting?
Driving with my sisters that can go from zero to ax murderer in .2 seconds if they feel they have been trapped in the car too long with the parents (see above).
Driving with a baby who cannot yet understand that Honey we'll be there in two minutes and you can get out then, just relax a little bit longer, I'm sorry but we all have to be buckled in, I know I know, here have a snack.
pray for me.
Here is a video of my cat just for the hell of it. I'm going to bed.
dot dot dot
- Yesterday was my youngest sister's high school graduation.
- Babies don't care for loud auditoriums very much.
- The family that sat in front of me (the 2 min I got to sit in there before Josephine freaked the eff out) had obviously been drinking, smoking, and splashing on cologne to cover up the stank.
- Outside the auditorium was a veritable nursery, so many babies.
- When the ceremony was over about a million people slammed into me and my previously calm baby freaked the eff out again.
- I didn't get one apology or "excuse me".
- When I'm in a big crowd or a loud environment I freak the eff out.
- I held it together as long as I could, but cried as I walked to the car at the end of the night.

She totally has a boyfriend now, but he isn't attending the same college as her in the fall sooooo...
tuesday cake
No those are not turds, they are logs! Pretty awful picture, trust me the real thing was much cuter...still pretty cheesy though. The flames were made of some left over fondant and there were supposed to be marshmallow coals but someone ate all the marshmallows...someone who might be getting a bag of marshmallows for a graduation present.
Month Five
You are so full of new tricks! One trick that I'm not sure I understand is the scratching. Always with the scratching. Laying on the couch, scratch scratch scratch. Nursing, scratch scratch scratch. Sitting in your highchair, scratch scratch scratch. Scratch scratch scratch.
do this:

I don't have a title for this post
I am Legend -I liked it, I like Will Smith, the ending was eh.
No Country for Old Men -I didn't think it was bad, but I don't see why it was nominated for best picture and all that hooplah.
I think Josephine might be starting to teethe. She gets cranky pretty fast lately and has started waking up at night again. She did this over Easter weekend too though, so she may just go back to being her cheery self again any day now. I need to schedule a dentist appointment for her too.
Yeah I know, she doesn't have any teeth yet but our insurance covers preventative dental checkups so there's no reason not to take advantage of that!
I'm house/dog sitting again for the next week. I stayed there when I was pregnant and being so uncomfortable made it a little challenging. Now having a baby with me is the challenge. Josephine didn't sleep well there last time.
Last weekend my parents, Josephine, and I went to cheer on a local marathon and I kinda seriously want to run it next year...but I didn't want to tell you because there is a good chance I'll chicken out. So there's that.
Did you celebrate Israel turning 60? I did! We went down to Salt Lake City to celebrate with Congregation Kol Ami. We ate falafel, listened to a Russian choir, and sang Happy Birthday. Okay we didn't do that last part. We had to cut the day short though, because some very responsible young ladies remembered that they had several hours worth of homework they hadn't started, as well as boyfriend hanging out time to catch up on.
Only the third Tuesday and I'm already sinking
This last week my dad was out of town, Sarah was busy visiting all of her friends she hasn't seen all school year, Martha has been busy preparing for the end of her high school career, and I was house/dog sitting for a few days.
What I'm saying is, I haven't invested much time in the kitchen this past week.
I have made several batches of the granola bars though.
Bacon/sunflower seed
Also, you HAVE to let them cool completely in the fridge before cutting them up.
Tonight for dinner I plan on making some stuffed chicken, because there is chicken in the fridge that needs to be cooked.
And some potato pancakes, because YUM!
My mom had a birthday and she's a big pirate fan so I decorated her cake to look like a treasure map of our property and put a red X where her presents were hidden. Aaaand I didn't take a picture of it. Aaaaand the cat got into it the next day. It was covered with plastic wrap on the counter and when I looked at it I wondered who had been punching the cake. I know it wasn't that pretty, but come on! Turns out it was cat foot prints.
My sister had a birthday too but she opted for a Cold Stone cake instead of a "Rachel cake"...I don't blame her.
neat stuff Thrusday!

Recipe Twofer Tuesday
(I even made some w/out the bacon and they were good)
Rachael Ray annoys the crap out of me, but she usually has great recipes.
I could eat it every day. This is what I suggest:
- Goat cheese or feta
- Sausage* (I use Jimmy Dean sage)
- Spinach
Mix them up and fill wonton wrappers, cook them in broth with some green onions, peas, whatever...OR steam them (then are they dumplings?) or fry them in a little oil (then are they pot stickers?) and eat until you have to change into sweat pants. Then eat some more (you can totally have one more)
*So there were two sausages in a frying pan, one sausage rolls over to the other and says "Hey, sure is hot in here, huh?". The second sausage rolls over and replies "AAAAGGGGHHHHHH A TALKING SAUSAGE!!!"
This is what I live with
Sister 2: huh?
1: Did that sound like a zipper? or it sounded like this? (scratches nails along couch fabric)
2: Yeah
1: It's because my butt cheeks are so tight together.
When I go to the bathroom I pull my shirt all the way up to my chest. I have a bare belly when I pee. I didn't notice until I was a giant pregnant lady and exposing my big ol' belly needed to be done a bit more purposefully. I don't know why I do this.
I made up a pumpkin pie hamburger thing for dinner the other night. A can of pumpkin, eggs, whatever spices I could find, pound of hamburger and most of a can of olives. Baked on top of butter soaked saltines. It wasn't too bad. It wasn't too good either.
I can drink an entire pitcher of cranberry juice in one day. A pitcher being a prepared can of concentrate, however much that is. Is this bad? Can I overdose on cranberry?
When Josephine nurses she likes to play a little game. I look away, like at the tv or computer and she immediately unlatches* and looks up at me while milk drips down her cheek and onto my lap. Then I look back down at her, ask her if her belly is full, she smiles and quickly latches back on. Rinse and repeat.
*Sometimes she doesn't actually unlatch, and it huuuuurts.
Your belly is not full yet lady! This is meal time, not play time!
If you read the last monthly letter, and you didn't die from the sappiness of it all, you know that I have a fat baby.
The last few weeks she has started asking for food other than breast milk and so I've started giving her tastes of a few mashed up veggies (she likes avacado the best). Other than that she has gained all her chub from the boob. I'm trying hard to spread her feedings out even more now, if it were up to her she'd eat, or snack, every hour (I totally don't let her, but some days I'd like to). I don't know why, but I really thought I'd have a skinny baby. She totally skipped past some outfits too. One day she was my little 0-3month sized baby and then BAM! she's pushing the limits of her 3-6month onsies, wearing 6-9month stuff and what the crap? who said you could grow up this fast!
And she is sleeping right now
I didn't want to jinx it so I haven't mentioned that Josephine has been sleeping better this last week, mostly waking up once or twice again instead of 589million times. Then last night she slept from 10pm-630am. I am not even kidding.
I know you think this is probably as exciting to read as a post about what color my socks are, but I had to document this momentous occasion. When Josephine decides to punch me in the face by waking up every hour tonight I can come back a read this and remember that anything is possible!
Of course when you are used to nursing at least once or twice in the night and the baby sleeps through those feeding times, you wake up anyway because your boobs are so swollen they are wedged against the ceiling making it difficult to sleep.
Recipe Tuesday!
Today I made granola bars.
Mix together:
3 cup rolled oats
1.5 cup crisp rice cereal
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup flour (I used whole wheat)
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup butter
3/4 cup honey
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 cups yummy stuff (I used almonds and dried cranberries, be creative!) (maybe next time I'll try mini chocolate chips and some coffee?)
I started mixing it with a spoon, but had to finish with my hands to get it mixed well enough. Then I had to use all my will power to keep from shoveling the mixture right into my mouth because it smells sooo good.
Bonus! when you wash your hands, just rinse them off w/out soap and they will be soooo smooth.
Grease a 9x13 pan and pack that stuff in there. Smoosh it as hard as you can. (smoosh is not a word)
Bake at 325 for around 20 min. Cool and cut.
** always remember that I don't really "measure" so, you know, cook accordingly.
Today Josephine had her first experience in her baby pool.